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• All the participants/riders must make sure that their registration for the event is done well in advance or before 10 days of the said event.

• Spot registration will not be entertained in normal circumstances and if at all any rider intents to do spot registration then that would be considered only in exceptional case.

• Minimum age of Participation is 14 years.

• Authorisation letter from parents is a must for all participants below the age of 18 years (in case of minor).

• All participants will have to submit a duly signed copy of self-declaration and a signed acknowledgment copy of rules and regulations.

Clothing & Equipment’s


• All bikes must be in good operating condition with properly working brakes.


• All bikes must have bar plugs/bar ends on the handlebars.


• All participants must wear a properly secured full face helmet at all times during competition as well as when pre-riding or warming up on the course (Helmets complying to DOT or CPSC Standards is recommended)


• All participants must wear fully enclosed shoes.


• Dresses with covered elbows and knees are highly recommended (Elbow and Knee pads are even better).


• Body armour, gloves, goggles, neck braces are all highly recommended.


• Cameras will not be allowed to be strapped anywhere except on top of the helmet during the race.


• Cameras will be permitted anywhere on the helmet.


General Racing Rules


• Race numbers must be displayed on the handlebars of the bicycle. No competitor shall cut, fold, mutilate, apply stickers to or alter in any way the number plate. Numbers are not transferable.


• One must not use offensive or abusive language during the race, act in any anti-sporting manner, be disrespectful to the event volunteers / officials or ignore the race regulations.


• Deviation from the marked course will result in disqualification unless the competitor re-enters the course where the diversion was taken.


• You are not permitted to willingly alter the course in any way without first consulting with the race officials. This includes moving rocks, logs, tape or other natural obstacles. (Participants that indulge in such behavior may be disqualified from the race at the discretion of the race director)


• The race may be stopped by the race director in case of severe injury to a rider or life-threatening weather.


• If you pull out of a race (DNF) you must notify the timing station or closest course marshal.

​Course markings


Markers or tape will indicate the route to be followed, showing changes of the course, intersections and all potentially dangerous situations. Markers will be placed at frequent intervals along the course to confirm to the rider that he or she is following the correct course


In all potentially dangerous situations, one or more arrows will be placed in a downward pointing position. These arrows will be positioned 30 metres before the obstacle and at the obstacle itself. Two or more downward pointing arrows mean a more dangerous situation. Three downward pointing arrows means an extreme situation, continue with caution.



Penalties can be imposed according to the nature of the offence and one or more of the following can be used:


• Verbal warning.


• Demotion of final race position (by one or more positions).


• Time or points penalty applied during an event.


• Disqualification from a race.


• Suspension


Final interpretation of the rules is up to the Race Director. These individuals have control over all competitors, scorers, and officials at their event and their decision on these rules, and any situations not specifically covered by these rules is final.


Where and when will the race take place?

• This race will take in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh. It will be total of four (6) day event.

Day 1 (09th November)— opening ceremony

Day 2(10th November) — Practice

Day 3(11th November)— Practice

Day 4(12th November)— Leisure Day

Day 5 (13th November)- Race Day one

Day 6 (14th November)- Race Day two

How to reach the race venue?

• The Participants must first reach Guwahati and contact Thinley Tsering (9077790104/9599567227) or contact SpokeHub.

• Travel to Tawang from Guwahati by Chopper/Sumo/ Bus etc.

• After reaching Tawang the participants may contact the TCA for further details.

What is the altitude of Tawang and the racetracks?

• Tawang is perched at an altitude of 10000Ft above sea level.

• Altitude for the racetracks would range from 14400 Ft to 8500Ft


Is there any possibility of having Altitude Sickness (Mountain sickness)?


Yes, you may face mountain sickness so you may want to take appropriate precautions or may contact the health care professionals before coming. you may also contact the organizer.


How would be weather conditions be during the Event days (November)?


The temperature would be ranging from 10-18 Degrees during the day, and it might hit a low of - 4 / 5 during the night. So, it advised that the participants may bring along warm clothing during the stay here at Tawang.

What type of race is this?

Enduro: This format has various stages on which the riders will have to compete against time. The riders need to get to the start of each stage under their own steam and set a timeframe. The times on the stages add up to represent the overall competition. Each rider will be given a start time for each stage.

Who can take part in the race?

Anyone who is between 14 to 60 years of age. The participant has to be physically and mentally fit.

What types of cycles are allowed in the race?

• The MTB’s can be full suspension bikes or proper trails bikes (Hardtail) with minimum of 120mm travel and head angle with less than 66 degrees are allowed.

• The Wheels Size can be of 26” or 27.5” or 29”.

What do I need to bring with myself for the race?

You must compulsorily bring own Cycle (in full riding condition),wind cheaters, Helmet, Shoes, Gloves and Full Safety Gears

What do I need to wear during the race?

• Wearing of good quality and proper cycling helmet at all times during the race is compulsory

• You should wear comfortable cycling or sportswear, Shoes and Gloves

• Only Helmet Mounted Action cameras is allowed during the race.

How can I take part I the race?

• You must visit the website and register online for the event.

What does the Registration fees include?

✓ Lunch on the practice day and race day

✓ Refreshment stations with drinking water, soft beverages & light snacks on practice and race days

✓ Shuttle to the trails for both riders & bikes on practice (10th & 11th Nov) & race days (13th & 14th Nov).

✓ Access to post race party which includes cultural shows, beverages (alcoholic & Non-alcoholic) & dinner. with drinking water, soft beverages & light snacks

✓ Winners prizes, certificates & trophies

What does the entry fees not include?

• It does not include travel from your hometown to Tawang and back.

• It does not include sightseeing or travel inside Tawang unless it’s for race purpose.

• It does not include bikes, equipment and cycle spares.

• It doesn’t cover the charges for your stay in Tawang.

What is the Schedule of the event?

Day 1 (09th November)— opening ceremony

Day 2(10th November) — Practice

Day 3(11th November)— Practice

Day 4(12th November)— Leisure Day

Day 5 (13th November)- Race Day one

Day 6 (14th November)- Race Day two


​• Participation in MONDURO occurs strictly at one’s own risk. The liability of the event organizers (including third party claims) is limited to deliberate intent or gross negligence. This also applies to any of the auxiliary persons or vicarious agents that are deployed in the event by the race organizer. Any contractual liability of the race organizer for damages is excluded as long as they do not involve or result from grossly negligent or intentional agents.

• The race organizers cannot be held liable for any default in services that relate to external service by third parties for whom the race organizer only served as an intermediary contact, and which were clearly identified as external services within the description of event services.

• The race organizers cannot be held liable for any fault in services that are the result of statutory provisions or official directives, which prevents the rider from riding in the event altogether or in part.

• The race organizers cannot be held liable for participant’s lost or stolen clothing, valuables or equipment. Participants are advised to carry adequate insurance.

• If a participant requires or enlists third party services, in particular search and rescue services, the race organizers are indemnified from payment. The participant further authorizes the race organizers to collect any charges.

• By registering for the event, participants acknowledge their consent to the collection, circulation, and publication of event-related data such as individual’s stage name, placement, result as well as photographs, movie and interview records, without any remuneration.

• For re-runs, the director will be the sole authority to give reruns, only if there is plausible negligence deemed by the organizers after inquiry about the situation with the president, race director and the volunteers or riders.

• All the riders maybe required to deposit and/or announce afflictions with political parties, or government services during registrations, failing which necessary actions may be taken upon the participants in accordance with the prevailing laws.

• The riders will be liable to the laws set forth by the government/ army due to the location of the event and proximity to military area. Using drones, cameras (in certain areas), photography and videography maybe prohibited by the organizers without any prior information.

• For international riders, a copy of the passport and VISA will be required to be submitted along with local contact, and contact information of persons from DISCLAIMER country of domicile (Preferably a family member), along with insurance information if he has any.

• Satellite phones and similar electronics devices are strictly prohibited.

• Videography and photography of any military instillations are strictly prohibited

• International participants must be accompanied by an official/ authorized personnel by the organizers in the track.


• The organizers will have the right to access all the video footages shot by the riders during the practice and the race (or anywhere in the vicinity of the trails) using their GoPro or any other action cameras or any other camera. The organizers can confiscate the footages if any sensitive footages are found.

• Any riders found violating any rules mentioned above can be disqualified from the race at the discretion of the organizer.

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